(Dimensions of poster boards are: 2.40m width x 1.20m length (8' x 4'))
Please note the following information regarding your poster
- Please prepare your poster on one
sheet and the dimensions should not exceed 2.40m in width x 1.20m in
length (8' x 4').
presenters may display their material on several smaller sheets.
- The dimensions of the poster should
not exceed 2.40m in width x 1.20m in length. (8' x 4')
- Allocate the top portion of the poster
for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract.
- The text, illustrations, etc. should
be bold enough to be read from a distance of two meters (six feet).
- The background should contain 3 to 5
telegraphic sentences outlining information necessary to understand
the study and why it was done.
- The aims of the study, the questions
to be asked, or the hypothesis to be tested should be clearly stated
in as few words as possible.
- Outline your methods briefly. Provide
details only for new methods or important modifications of older ones.
- Results should be presented as graphs
or charts. Provide a key to explain symbols or other details. You may
also want to provide an interpretation of the results below each
- The conclusions should be concise.
Boards are Velcro compatible. Tacks and technical equipment will be
available for hanging posters.
- Please refer to the Congress Final
Program for the poster number assigned to you. Please use the board
with the same number.